RPTS provides transportation services to meet your non-emergency medical and personal transportation needs:
Medical Transportation Services (MTS)
Routine Doctor’s appointments
Dialysis clinics
Rehabilitation Centers
Out-patient procedures and testing
Hospital to and from residence or nursing home
Behavioral health services
Pharmacy trips
Other non-emergency medical transportation services not listed
Community Personal Transportation (CPT)
Day Programs
Beauty Shops
Banking Errands
Airport Drop-off & Pick-up
Family Meeting/Social Events
Authorized Minor Child Pick-up/Drop-off Service
Pick-up and Drop-off child to or from schools
Pick-up and/or Drop-off child to or from extra curriculum school activities, sporting activities, etc.
To request an Authorized Minor Child Pick-up/Drop-off Service, please call us 612-986-3151 or 763-205-4620, or fill this attached Parent/Guardian Consent Form and mail/fax it to us.
Our vehicles are licensed by the MNDOT, STS, and meet all required Federal and State guidelines.